まず最初に、最も大切な話をします。橋本ルルも、旧DOLL GALフェイスも、今も、心から愛している、とても誇らしい作品です。それは、これからも変わりません。
橋本ルルProject(メイクアップ、造形カスタム:millna)は、ドール面•美少女着ぐるみ制作サークルぬこパン ※1 とのコラボレーションを、2021年9月をもって終了いたしました。これに伴って、ドール面制作サークルぬこパンから定価購入したドール面「Di型」をカスタムベースとして制作した「旧橋本ルルフェイス」、また「旧DOLL GALフェイス」も、すべて使用終了いたします。
※1 代表者および造形担当:犬病ぬこ氏、メンバー:みはしまと氏、メンバー:メノコマキリ氏 ※全てネット上の仮名)
※2 右記にセクシュアルハラスメントの詳細な内容があります。PTSDの方は閲覧にご注意ください。彼から、乗用車内という密室の場を狙って、「男性の人形のペニスを勃起させて造形するべきか、またペニスの詳細な勃起の程度についてはどうするべきか」「温泉で目にした、知的障害者のペニスサイズ、またそれによる劣った生殖機能について」といった話を執拗に持ちかけられ続けました。わざわざ「こんなことを言ったらセクハラ扱いされるかもしれないが」とも言われていましたが、こちらは女性一名だったため、あまりの恐怖に、その場で反論することなど到底できませんでした。
First, let's talk about the most important thing. I love Lulu Hashimoto forever. This will not change in the future.
What we want is to prevent further spread of sexual damage.
Lulu Hashimoto Project (make-up, and sculpting customization: millna) will end all collaborations with dollmask and kigurumi production circle Nukopan as of September 2021.
Along with this, all "old lulu hashimoto dollmask" and "old DOLL GAL dollmask" that were custom based on doll face Di-molds purchased from dollmask production circle Nukopan will also cease to be used.
*The dollmask production circle Nukopan. representative and sculptor: Nuko Inuyamai, member: MihashiMato, member: Menokomakiri *all pseudonyms in internets
The reason for the end of activity is that the dollmask production circle Nukopan had the following problems.
•Absolutely no measures were taken against the stalking and attempted sexual assault of female members of the Lulu Hashimoto Project by a problematic person on the Nukopan side. In addition, due to this negligence, the damage has recurred.
•There was direct sexual harassment damage by Nukopan representative member (Nuko Inuyamai). *1
•Even after pointing out the problem, Nukopan did not respond at all, and there was a strong concern that Lulu Hashimoto Project members would suffer further damage and that fans would suffer secondary damage.
Also, Nukopan's response to our sexual harassment protest was very disappointing.
•The perpetrator, Nuko Inuyamai, tweeted, "I can't help it because I'm a man. I'm not bad."
•Mato Mitsuhashi of Nukopan ignored our sexual harassment protests and forced Millna to insert a product advertisement for Nukopan into his personal interview article. (There is no such promise in the contract)
At first, I only pointed out minor reasons for ending the activity in order to end the activity peacefully.
However, after the announcement of the end of the activity, I witnessed the lack of understanding of sexual harassment and sexual damage by the other party, and I strongly felt the danger of spreading damage to myself and others.
Therefore, in order to prevent further damage, we have decided to make the facts public.
I don't want Nukopan to be attacked more than it needs to be. Because there is no meaning as long as you don't reflect.
Just for your safety, please know the facts.
To protect the well-meaning people who were involved in the Hashimoto Lulu Project and the fans who admired us from various secondary damages.
This is the end of our collaboration with Nuko Pan.
I wish happiness for everyone. Thank you for your support until now.
*1 Details of sexual harassment by Mr. A, the representative of Nukopan, are on the right. Please be careful when viewing if you have PTSD.
Using a closed room in a passenger car, he asked me, ``Should the penis of a male doll be erected and modeled, and what should be done about the degree of erection in detail?'' about the penis size of people with intellectual disabilities and the resulting inferior reproductive function.”
I was deliberately told that I might be treated as sexual harassment if I said this, but since I was the only woman, I was so scared that I could not argue against it on the spot.